Well after being at school for 3 weeks and already having to change rooms once we are finally getting ready to begin school tomorrow!
Initially, I had to share a classroom with another class due to construction difficulties. Thankfully, that was all resolved last week and now we have our own room again. However that left us only a few days to do our classroom. I'm really happy with how it turned out, but I know that I'll be adding A LOT as the year progresses. There are a couple of blank spaces that I need to fill with student work as well as new creations like anchor charts etc. But until then, here's a glimpse at what lies inside the walls of our classroom. ENJOY!
View of the room from the doorway. Here you see my newly designed table (awaiting a framed quote...this week, fingers crossed!) and "today's password sign. Throughout the room, I've made items in my green and white polka dot pattern. If anyone is interested let me know. I am planning on adding them to my TPT store.
Our cubbies are divided in half. Here is the first half. The area above the cabinets is awaiting materials/storage for Breakfast Baskets when not in use. I found the alphabet on TPT the other day and I love it! It's all math vocab!!! I just want to label it with a sign on the blank cabinet towards the left. You also see our SuperKids poster. So excited for this curriculum. We added a rug and some pillows This will give our students a nice nook when they read for the American Reading 100 Book Challenge.
This is the second half of the cubbies and the rest of the alphabet. You also see our caddies up top and other bins. I like to store them here when not in use because they are just pretty and look better than storage boxes up there.
This is a shot of the room from around the doorway. You can see our layout with the tables.
Guided reading area/small group area. Materials are behind in bins for small group work. The cubbies will be great for our belongings, especially winter coats!
Our objectives will be posted here as well as our daily class goal. I'm sorry I forgot where is got this amazing poster, but I am beyond excited to use it! If I got it from you...THANK YOU!
View of the library/morning meeting area. Love the crate seating (bottom of the picture). We found two that were left from another teacher. We used them to define the space.
Students data binders, "Boo Boo Lotion" bin and "Spotlight on writing" waiting for a great piece to illuminate!
Sample breakfast basket waiting for the students to arrive!
View of the classroom library which includes American Reading Company books, SuperKids Library, AND personal books for free reading...sorry its blurry. I really like the ledge it makes to display books on top. This will change with each month.
The desk area. Includes American Reading Log, Reading stamina sheet (again...if I got this from you...THANKS!), and teacher toolbox. The curtain hides wires that are hanging off desk as well as our listening center. It's great camouflage. The material is green with white polka dots...it looks olive green here though for some reason :/
Behavior clip chart, classroom rules, and "Sample Student." Below is a dry erase board. The cards will be where we display Spelling and vocab words each week. I'd like t add more to this wall, but it's tough to get things to stick to this cinder block.
Part of the calendar. In the next few weeks, I'm going to spruce this up and make it polka dot, but with the moving I haven't had time. Still great because it exposes the kids to a lot of concepts early on that they normally wouldn't learn to mid year.
In the "spotlight" (classroom helper of the day) and sillybration for the day. Above is the birthday area. Again, I made these cards myself. If you'd like them to go on TPT just let me know!
Overview of the calendar area.
exit question by the door
bathroom/hall passes.
That's it. I hope you found this helpful and can use some of these ideas in your room. Any thoughts? I'd love to here them!!