Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Classroom Pics and...My New Blog!!!

I managed to sneak into my new classroom for next year and take some pics while the construction workers were on lunch. It's a kinda odd shape, like an L. Take a look:

View from the doorway of blackboard and one window.

View from the opposite side of the room (by the window).

View of the rest of the room ( my back is against the blackboard). There is a second window and a closet on the right. There are also two cubbies stuck in the corner (not a fan of that).

Another view from the board of the opposite corner. I'm really hoping the rug and easel stay since the school purchased them.

If you have any ideas for classroom setup, let me know!

Big Announcement!!!

Lately, I've noticed that I've added a few posts about more personal things like my home, weekend, fashion, etc. So I've started my own lifestyle blog. It's just in the beginning stages and I still have to customize it a bit, but I'd love for you all to join! Head on over to Not Your Typical Jersey Girl and start following me!

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