Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Our school has begun a two month investigation into dinosaurs. We try make it a little cross curricular by adding dinosaurs into math and reading. The worksheet below is one we've been using to help us with Topic 5 in EnVisions Math. The students have to match the cards to make ten. They then record it on the sheet. This is suppose to help so that they are more secure in math facts when they reach the upper grades. Feel free to use it in your class, but please leave a comment below!

"10" is Dino-mite!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I finally did it!

I have been stalking  reading first grade blogs for over a year now. Today is the day I decided, "Hey! I should make my own!" So here it is. It isn't anyhting special yet, but stick around and I'll show ya all the magic I've got up my sleeves!