I love how my kiddos were so excited to read in the "Think Tank." It was a really special to see them enjoy books so much! <3
For the month of April, our school theme was Space. This theme is one of my absolute favorites that we do. I have a ton of ideas that I like to do but the one I like the best are my astronauts.
Each child gets a astronaut that has the words: If I landed on the moon, I.... They then complete the sentence and make the astronaut look like themselves. Afterwards they color in the small picture of the planet Earth (we go over which is the land and which is the water). Next, they add a half moon piece of grey construction paper to the bottom of a piece of black paper (I have used white that I've precut and then colored grey if I didn't have any grey paper). Finally, they glue it all together and add stars using white crayon or chalk. I think they came out pretty dang cute...what do you think?!
I love this little bugger....didn't his face come out so cute????!!!!!!!
You can grab your astronaut freebie below, but please leave a comment. I'd love to hear form you!
Hope your astronauts are outta this world!