I do have 2 projects I'm just about finished with and will be posting soon so keep an eye out for those.
I do however have something I'd like to share today. In our classroom, it is so hard to keep up with jobs everyday since we have a million things going on in the school. So a few years ago I developed a system to get rid of the classroom job chart and simplify it down to 1. Yup that's right, 1!
Each day I assign one student to be the "Busy Bee" for the day. That student is responsible for all the jobs in the classroom that day. To keep track, I keep it simple as well...Alphabetical order! That's it. One at a time, no fighting, and everything gets done. Plus the kids love it because they get to do each job multiple times during the course of the year, not just one or two times. To make it even more special, I give the "Busy Bee" a special vest to wear all day.
Here's a pic of a student wearing the "Busy Bee" vest. The kids get really excited to wear it. (No, they don't always wear the hat...that's from another project!).
Finally, I'm super excited to be apart of Dana Lester from Fun in First Grade's New Teacher Tuesday. Make sure you head over to her page and give her some love!!